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Synthesizer specially designed for creating and experiments with ambient soundscapes in wide range from noises to melodic instruments and everything in between.

Price $14.99
Author Igor Vasiliev
Type Instrument
Instrument type Synth
Instrument sounds Keyboards
Supports Inter-App Audio (IAA), Audiobus
Rating total: 4.56923 (65), current: 4.56923 (65)
Version 1.7.9
Released 07/07/2017
Updated 08/24/2019
Synthesizer specially designed for creating and experiments with ambient soundscapes in wide range from noises to melodic instruments and everything in between.

The sound engine of SynthScaper has its own unique sounding differ from any other software synths. You can construct outstanding melodic pads or atonal soundscapes from different kind of built-in or downloaded samples by using all power of multi-layered oscillators, chains of filters and effects, envelope generators and low frequency oscillators. Or you can create your own sound scenes combining oscillators presets from build-in library. Or just use predefined scenes.

Very flexible settings of each module give you a great opportunity for creating unique and colorful sounding from usual instruments or natural samples and adding automated changes and spatial effects for an endless variations. Different ways of assigning screen and MIDI keyboards to the oscillators provide very advanced features to control the sound. The on-screen keyboard is adapted to create special effects and varying the continuous textures and drones.

The Designer tool uses the neural network to generates new presets based on already existing by adding some random variations and checking the result so that the new preset remains similar to the selected pattern.

Key features:

- Three independent oscillators.
- Three layers for each oscillator.
- Six voices for each layer.
- Six envelope generators.
- Six low frequency oscillators.
- Arpeggiator / sequencer for each oscillator.
- Designer tool for generate scenes and presets.
- General processing of level, balance, LPF, HPF for each layer.
- Three slots for filters and effects after each oscillator.
- Twenty additional selectable filters and effects.
- Spatial mixer with two different sound space.
- Screen keyboard adapted for continuous textures and soundscapes.
- Predefined set of keyboard scales and custom scales.
- Full screen, double and split features for screen keyboard.
- Options of screen keyboard for pitch, continuous, modify, velocity.
- Supports for two virtual and two MIDI keyboards at the same time.
- Flexible assigning keyboards and controls to the oscillators.
- Two main effects controls can combine several parameters.
- Uploading samples thru Dropbox, Web access, clipboard.
- Auto and manual tuning of samples with frequency analyzer.
- Set of predefined and ready-to-use scenes and presets.
- Built-in library of samples of instruments, synths, noises, etc.
- Possibility to pack and share scenes and samples as single file.
- Supports loop points and note info in WAV files.
- Detailed application description (built-in and PDF file).
- Inter-App audio compatible (with transport and BPM controls).
- Supports Audiobus 3 with "State Saving" and MIDI features.
- Supports Ableton Link with start / stop sync.


Recommended at least iPhone 6 / iPad Mini 4 / iPad Air 2 and higher.

You can find more details about SynthScaper on the website:

Overview and demo video:

Preview -
Preview -
Sound design demo -
Presets demo -
Presets demo -

Version 1.7.9 release notes

- Fixed crash at startup when app has a lot of downloaded samples. - When going to background UI not reset. Version 1.7.8 - Fixed bug with IAA in iOS 12.4. - Panels close when clicked outside. - Audiobus SDK 3.0.7 updated.

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Price $4.99
Author Igor Vasiliev
Type Instrument
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Instrument sounds Keyboards
Supports Inter-App Audio (IAA), Audiobus, Audio Unit (AU), Ableton Link
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Type Instrument
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Price $9.99
Author Igor Vasiliev
Type Instrument
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Instrument sounds Other
Supports Inter-App Audio (IAA), Audiobus
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